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La Galaxy - Azkals (The Game)

This will not be a technical post about what took place in the game but more of what we experienced overall.

Thelongline. Super long line getting into the stadium and you know what? we patiently waited for our turn not knowing that those with grandstand tickets have their special entrance!

Annoyingofficials. If annoying was the most appropriate term. We were literally passed around. I think we run 4x (back and forth) around the back entrance because the officials were so vague (and unsure) in giving directions. The result? WE MISSED THE OPENING CEREMONY. and you know what? That is my most favorite part of the game. We made it inside 10 mins into the game and we were all tired and seething from anger. It took me 30 minutes to calm my nerves down and for that I was not able to focus entirely on the game (I was shaking from exhaustion - I'm not a runner).

Thegame. YEEHAA for Beckham's skills! Seeing those curve balls! Nothing much I can add and I don't want to go to specifics since it was a friendly match. Still, if only there were more excitement! and they shouldn't have subbed the key players out (the crowd grew quiet after Donovan and Beckham left).

We were a few seats from the Madrigal sisters.
I was able to record Pacman exiting the stadium.
We had our pics taken with the gorgeous Marc Nelson.
I was interviewed (but I was not clearly thinking straight! haha).


The post after this would be my last and let me tell you it's the part that I want to write most about but because I'm super sleepy atm, I think it will have to wait for tomorrow xD

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