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UNDP 8MDG & the La Roja boys

What's with you Spanish men? You're totally making me fall for you~~

In line with UN's 8 Millennium Development Goals, our boys appeared in this ad:

for the translation, you could go over at conlaroja.

NOW. I really love Sergio's voice (and he was featured longer than the others), I mean he has one of the most manly voices in the team (and perhaps even in Spain? lol), and I love his sincerity. Plus, he talked about the environment, Mr. Ramos, can I interview you for my group's research paper? <3>:)

As for Nando, I find his pose awkward? still he's as handsome as ever.

CESC! What will I do with you? You're getting hotter by the minute, but I was surprised about your voice, lol. Well it doesn't matter ;)

I personally like Capdevila and Pepe Reina's voice sexay! Special mention to DAVEEEED, stay gorgeous :)

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