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Part Time Job

Yesterday I applied for a part time job (tutor), and was accepted on the spot.

We (together with some of my classmates) took an exam (which I obviously failed), were asked to do a demo (I was assigned to teach GS Filipino, and honestly I can't remember any lessons), and were interviewed.

I'm okay with working but then I was a little hesitant 'coz it may interfere with my life (I don't want to stay until Saturday) and my acads (as if I'm studying, lmao), and we were given a six month contract, I guess my biggest worry is how will I manage during the semester break? I won't go to QC just because of that (+ I don't have a place to stay).

But then, I know I'll manage, and it's money we're talking about here, who'll complain? Just as my mom said "it's good for you to have a job, at least you'll be busy).

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