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TV no more

I used to pride myself as someone who watches series, dramas, etc. as if it matters the world to me, but now it's different.

I'm a huge Asian drama fan, and I have all the popular ones DL-ed but for the past couple of months, I lost interest. I have yet to watch (and finish) Cinderella's Sister, Playful Kiss, Sungkyunkwan Scandal, Liar Game, Water Boys II, Kaichou wa Maid-Sama, Grey's Anatomy, Chuck however the thought of watching these (even one) is not appealing at the moment (okay, except Chuck and Grey's). I have all these series DL-ed (gahhh, imagine the time and disk space I wasted) but sadly, I don't have the heart to see them.

So what's the fuss? I discovered that Mary Stayed Out All Night's first two episodes were UL-ed with subs and I know I must DL it =P I just hope Jang Geun Seok could bring back the fire in me. And actually, I am currently thinking of basing my research topic on Television consumption, so that figures ^^

If there's one show that's getting me hook, it's the Vampire Diaries

I've read the books a few years back, and when I learned that they're making a series based from it, I felt nothing =D. Then when I looked at who's portraying Stefan, I decided that I'm not going to watch it (I know it's bad of me). More than a year after the first season aired, I finally caved in. I'm so glad I did. Though I can't remember what happened in the books (a weakness of mine) but I absolutely like the series :) Would not elaborate more ('coz I'll be making a review in my other blog) but I prefer Stefan over Damon, jajajajaja.

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