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Chapter 1: Grade 6 days

On Chard Gutierrez, Chestnut, Trigger, A1, etc.

Scanning through my Grade 6 journal made me laugh. I was such a crazy crazy girl back then. My grammar was horrible and my sentences were soo poorly constructed :)) I noticed that what I was saying basically revolves around a few topic: acads, crushes, and life in general.

1. The Richard Gutierrez era

Three-fourths of my diary entries were all about Richard Gutierrez. I had this humongous crush on Chard ever since I laid eyes on him (it's no longer applicable now though). I watched every, as in every, show that he was in. Isn't it obvious that I even counted the months and days since I last saw him on a particular show? HAHAHAHAHAHA.

2. The Chestnut, Trigger and the code name period

We all experienced having crushes right? I did have crushes before, my grade school years (Gr. 5 - Gr. 6) were filled with kilig moments especially when I saw my crush(es). My ultimate crush back then was Chestnut (formerly called Mr. Yellow because of his scarf xD). He was three years my senior and he had this group of friends who were mostly good looking (my tropa all had a crush with some of them). It was truly an exciting period for me and my friends!

Then there was Trigger. As I was reading his name a while back, I can't honestly remember who he was. It took me an hour to remember. Trigger was in the same grade as I (but in a different section). I think one reason I liked him then was because he plays basketball well. LOL

3. A1
I used to listen to music before (passionately). I do love boy bands after all but let me say that A1 will forever be my favorite band. No one can surpass them in my heart. You could just imagine my sadness when Paul left. Things have never been the same ever since and somehow, I lost my interest in music.

There you have it, my Grade 6 diary! There are also Harry Potter entries but I will tackle it in a separate post :)

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