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I solemnly swear that I will study like I've never done before.

My last week in school will be full of hardships (ok, I'm a bit exaggerating).

All the while I thought, this coming week will be a breeze but how wrong I was.

First there is a Pysch 108 quiz. Yeah, a quiz, but we were asked to review all the readings she assigned since the start. Sana tinawag na lang na exam 'di ba?

And the terror subject - Comm 120 (Media Law). Major major exam, though it's supposed to be a 25 item exam but still... Reviewing/reading the cases can assure one of a massive headache. I was trying to go over them, but I found myself yawning (too hard to understand). Being a lawyer is definitely not in my dreams xD

In my Span 10 class, we're suppose to watch a Spanish film (yet again) on Tuesday. Rec 2 it is, but it's optional. I won't be coming, since Rec already scared the hell out of me (yes, Horror stuff is not my thing)

After which, CHRISTMAS BREEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! My favorite time of the year :)

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