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Stop Right Now

Thank you very much, I need somebody....

A lot has happened this week, but I'll cover it in my next post(s).

While I was searching for videos in YT, I suddenly felt that I needed to see SG's 2 Become 1, which lead to me seeing, Victoria and David's interview

aren't they a cute couple? No matter what the rumors surrounding David's extra marital affairs are, I still believe that he loves Victoria, they're so meant for each other.

When we were young, my cousins and I frequently listened to Spice Girls' song, we used to imitate them, and since I was one of the youngest, my older cousins always chose who they wanted to be, and so I became Posh Spice. At first , I wasn't happy, but I got used to it. Which made me think, if Victoria married David, isn't it possible for me to marry a baller? HAHAHA. Pardon my thoughts, it's just that I have these weird imaginations. We can never tell. LMAO.

I can imagine Victoria telling me "Stop Right NOW!!!!"

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