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Real Madrid never fails

to cheer me up. I came back from a tiresome day and when I saw this vid, all traces of fatigue vanished.

They're beyond adorable! For non-football fans I'm sure you would never mistake them as football players. LOL.

What made me lol hard:

Pepe and Marcelo. Pepe's laughter = LOL

Xabi and Cris' laughter. Tell me, isn't hearing such fine men like them laugh sexy?

Albiol's Feliz Navidad after Arbeloa's long monologue. PWAHAHA.

Karim - he seems so innocent but I knew better =))

Calleti - he and Antonio do have chemistry :))

Bambi - you can make me smile and laugh just by showing your shy self or just by standing.

and a whole lot more. I suddenly feel rejuvenated. How could I miss this video? What was I doing? xD

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