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2011 ...

First blog post for this year.

Let me present you:

my goal (s) for this year.

1. Be on a serious diet (I'll strive to not drink any softdrinks from now on)

the end.

JAJAJA. Losing weight is the only thing on my list this year. Though after much contemplation, I added this one

2. Be more serious in my studies - since everyone seems to include this on his/her list, why can't I?

and another thing,

3. Read 3-4 books per month - for the improvement of my knowledge (grammar and vocab included).

Apparently, I have a lot of goals this year

How was my first week of school/job this year? T-I-R-I-N-G.

It's just the first week but I found myself bombarded with lots of requirements (and it had kept me busy throughout this day).
The saddest thing happened. Ate Chesca, passed away. After receiving a text about it, I initially regarded it as a terrible joke, but after confirming it, everything seemed like a dream. I'm not that close with ate Chesca but we shared a few moments together, and I just saw her last Tuesday. I never knew that it would be the last time na makikita ko siya. Ate Chesca, may you rest in peace.

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