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New header and Özil.

Someday I'll be a pro in photoshop xD

So what's with the header? I was making a poster for one of my major subjects and I kinda get the hang of PS-ing which led to the creation of my present header.

I was thinking of putting Sergio and Cesc together as my header but it's too much for a noob like me.

Don't judge me by my header. I was looking through my Sergio pics, and I thought the one above suits the header best. LOL. And have you seen the quote? Lol. So ironic right? Where is the shirt Sergio?


On to other things, the ad for FIFA 11 came out recently,

Mesut Özil.

You have a way of capturing people's attention.

The part where in his name was shown glowing is super cool, don't you think? Plus, I read @ unamadridista's blog that his favorite drink is iced tea, now tell me, can I ever ignore this man? We can drink iced tea all day long, my treat! haha. And oh well, he can rap.

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