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Being non productive

Cramming? No Way!

my quotable quote according to my blockmates.

Okay, I hate cramming, as in super hate. So, I do things at the earliest possible time, which makes my blockmates think that I am this person who is super dedicated to her studies, but apparently I'm not.

Back in HS, I would say that I am, but college? No. Still, I hate to cram. I finish my HW as soon as I can get my hands on it, like typing words as they crossed my mind, without even rereading and editing, yeah, that's how I accomplish things xD. Then after, I spend my time bumming around.

I believe in the saying "hirap muna bago sarap", that's one of my philosophy in life. HAHA

Another fact, I don't do HW, etc on the dormitory, I do it at home. Dormitory = place for doing pleasurable things, House = I can concentrate more on school stuff.

However, today, I can't seem to concentrate. I ended up looking for a blogger template and customizing my blog (it took me hours to arrive at my current layout). And also, I made an inventory of all the dvds I have (I was longing to do this for the longest time).

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